Soil/Product Analysis
Following any prolonged period of wet weather soils may be left lacking in key nutrients. It is acknowledged that excessive rainfall leaches through the soil profile taking any readily soluble nutrients, such as calcium, sulphur, boron and potassium with it. As a result of this, the likelihood of hidden nutrient deficiencies having a detrimental effect on crop production will increase significantly. In these current challenging times, ensure you maximise your crop production by addressing potential problems at source.
The only way to identify any potentially damaging shortfall is to opt for a broad spectrum soil analysis that will include an assessment of all critical crop nutrients. A detailed report is produced that indicates each result against a crop specific benchmark guideline; areas to be addressed are easily indentified. Following this report, Rootwise Ltd is then in a position to discuss the areas of concern and recommend cost-effective solutions. The information given on a broad spectrum analysis is an essential tool for soil management and is very competitively priced. Soil analyses can also be tailor made for specific situations, for example, organic activity can be added plus many other values if required.
A simple and easy way to address nutrient deficiencies:
Avoiding areas of extreme, forward a minimum of 6 cores per sample for each field, cores of approximately 15cms in depth. Each sample should be labelled with:
a) Name of field;
b) Crop to be grown;
c) Your full name, address, telephone number and e-mail address;
- Upon receipt samples sent for analysis;
- Results returned to Rootwise Ltd for interpretation;
- Discussion with client along with recommendations of cost-effective solutions;
- Copy of the results forwarded along with an invoice.